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Contact Information

Organizer association: AD Cierzo proLGTB+ Zaragoza

Phone: +34 646 252 746 (Pablo)

¿Cómo Llegar?

  • Dirección: Calle Ntra. Sra. del Salz, 28

  • Bus: Líneas  21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 36, 38, 53

  • En taxi: Su servicio puede solicitarse en los teléfonos 976751515, 976383838, 976424242

Tournament Regulations


  1. Warm-up time: 5 minutes before every match.

  2. Match duration: Matches will last 20 minutes without stopping the clock (2 halves of 10 minutes each with a break of 1 minute between them).

  3. Times out: one for each team in every match (1 minute)

  4. Timing rules of 8 and 24 seconds will be applied.

  5. Jump ball to decide the possession at the beginning of the game, alternating possession rule will be applied.

  6. Fouls: Every player is allowed to commit a maximum of 4 fouls.

  7. Free throws:There are not free throws.

  8. Shooting fouls:

  9. If the player miss the basket:1 point and possession for the offensive team. 

  10. If the player gets the basket, 2 or 3 point + 1 point for the offensive team. 

  11. Since the 5th team foul, included, every foul will be punished with 1 point for the opponent team (with the 4th foul the foul marker will be shown)

    • If the player is not throwing: 1 point and possession for the offensive team. 

    • If the player gets the basket, 2 or 3 point + 1 point for the offensive team.

    • There is not extra point for offensive fouls

  12. Technical and unsportsmanlike fouls: 1 point and possession.

  13.  2 technical fouls: Player exclusion from the tournament, 1 point and possession.

  14.  Game results: Match won: 2 points. Match lost: 1 point.

  15.   If there is a tie at the end of the time there will be an overtime period of three minutes.

  16.    If there is a tie in the final ranking, the result of the teams involved in the tie will be taken into account. If      there are several teams involved in the tie and the point differential is in a tie too, total scored points will be taken into account. ​



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